Top- Miss Selfridge (SOLD OUT) Skirt- Miss Selfridge Shoes- Schuh Hi everyone! I recently showed this two piece in one of my hauls and a few of you wanted me to do a blog post on what it looked like on so here it is!. I wore this outfit to my works Christmas do as I thought the sparkle was perfect for Christmas. I can't believe that they have sold out of the top as I love this as a two piece!. My shoes re possibly the best purchase I have ever made, don't get me wrong they are not the easiest heels to walk in but with some practice they are completely worth it!. Lots of love Liv xxxx
Dress- Miss Pap Hi everyone, so I recently got this dress from Miss Pap, which I am in love with!. I think as you can all probably tell from a lot of my blog posts, I love items that have different backs. Also the tartan print is perfect for Christmas and for £19.99 I think its a bargain price!. Lots of love Liv xxxx
Top- Motel Rocks (20% off discount code is iclelvzi on all Motel Rocks items) Trousers- AX Paris Shoes- La Moda Hi everyone! So as we all know Halloween has just gone, and I thought these trousers were perfect for not just Halloween but over the Winter season too, they are so versatile you can dress them up with a pair of statement heels or dressed down with a Jumper. I wasn't sure weather I could pull of the leather look but these are the exact high waist, skinny style that I would usually go for in jeans and in person they are not that in your face. I recently got this top from the Motel Rocks sale (also with my discount code 'iclelivzi' you get 20% off) because I can not resist backless items!. I also fell in love with these heels, I am a massive fan of chunky platform heels and as these are boots they are also perfect for the winter. What do you think to leather trousers?. Lots of love Liv xxxx
Playsuit- Ark clothing Trainers- Nike Air force 1 Hi everyone! I didn't actually realise how orange I turned out on these photos, I have no tan on my legs so I had to edit a tan on to match the rest of me haha!. Anyway I recently got this playsuit from the Ark sale. I had my eye on it for a while as I love anything backless and tartan, so when I saw it in the sale for £12 I had to get it!. What do you think to backless items?. Lots of love Liv xxxx
Dress -Ax Paris Hi everyone! I can't believe how long it has been since I did my last blog post, but I feel like I have just been getting everything back on track recently, so here is my latest outfit post!. I recently got this dress from Ax Paris and I thought it would be perfect for any occasion, You can really dress it up with heels and red lippy, or wear every day with a pair of flats!. What do you think of midi dresses?. Lots of love Liv xxxx
Dress- Pink Boutique Shoes- Public Desire Hi everyone! As you all probably know I recently turned 21 and the lead up to my birthday I was looking for the perfect birthday dress. I got this one from Pink Boutique, I have followed them on facebook for a while and love their items. I decided on this dress because I love the shape of it, I think bandeau dresses are really flattering and look really girlie!. I can't explain how good the quality of this dress is, the material is so thick and I do think it's the perfect party dress!. Lots of love Liv xxxx
Dress- Missguided Hi everyone! So I haven't done a outfit post in so long, I haven't had a laptop for a while and had to buy myself a new one and now that I have I can get back into it!. It is my 21st birthday next month so I have been looking around for the perfect birthday dress, I got this one from Missguided because I was in love with the back of it and loved the print. I love anything backless, a lot of people ask me what sort of bra I wear with things like this but usually I am brave and don't wear one!. I think for £19.99 its a bargain!. Lots of love Liv xxxx
Hi everyone! So I recently decided to have a chamge with my hair extensions, as you know I wear clip ins every day of my life haha and I have also had 2 weaves. I loved having weaves but I hated the fact that I couldn't wash my hair properly, and with clip ins I hate that I have to clip them in every day. I decided to get microloops and after searching around for a while for places that do them I went with a salon located in Morley (Leeds) called X factor hair extensions. I'm not going to go into too much detail as I will be doing a video explaining everything and showing them in more detail. Ther lady who did them, told me I have one of the thickest heads of hair shes ever seen so I went with 20 inch deluxe head which is the option with the most hair. At the moment I am loving them, the quality is amazing and I love waking up and not having to clip them in, they are comfy to wear and don't hurt in the slightest when applied!. Like I said I will go into all the details in the video but for now I wanted to leave you all with a photo and just a little bit of info!. What is your favourite kind of extensions?. Lots of love Liv xxxx
I have been thinking of writing a post about this for so long and weather to or not, it's not exactly something that I enjoy talking about or want people to know about me but some comments have just been getting on my nerves. Recently I've been going through quite a bad time (not something I want to talk about or share on the internet) I posted on my social networking sites that I couldn't blog and youtube and things at the minute as I just wanted time to myself as I was finding things difficult. I got some lovely comments and thank you so much for been there for me!. also got the odd few saying I was doing it for attention blah blah. I never let hate comments get to me as I have quite a thick skin but when people say things like that they've no idea what I am going though or what's happening. I had a few comments on youtube as well a while ago saying that I looked like I could never be bothered to film any more and things like that and it just really annoyed me. The thing is for the past year I have been on anti depressants. I feel like I have always been prone to it as I get massive anxiety and worry about things all the time (usually things to do with my health) which makes me so miserable. Things have happened in the past year which has made me so so down. I went to the doctors because I felt like couldn't cope with things on my own any more!. I have been off my anti depressants for about 2 months now and I have felt so much better recently. I love my job, I love my boyfriend and I finally felt happy!. When I was younger I use to go counselling because I use to worry so much about been sick and I think my unhappiness has stemmed from there. I am a emotional and sensitive person and I think I always will be, that's just the way I am. But I think I just have to come to terms with how I am. I have a case of OCD (which I won't go into because you will all think I'm nuts!) I am constantly worried about everything and it does my head in!. When one thing bad happens to me i feel like I am back to square one and I think that I will always feel like this!. I know that I can be and will be happy and I just need to get things under control. If I'm not always myself on youtube then you know why now. Doing things like fashion blog posts keep me happy because I love fashion, it also keeps me busy and keeps my mind off things, like worryingabout pointless things. This isn't something I really wanted to talk about as its nothing to do with fashion or beauty and its very much controversial and I know I will get the odd comments saying I am trying to get people to feel sorry for me and I'm attention seeking but I am actually doing this so people realise why I am how I am sometimes. I feel like just because I blog and I am on youtube people don't realise I am normal and have just as much issues as the next person does!. At the minute I am the happiest I have been in such a long time, it's just the blip that's sort of come up and make me feel at rock bottom again. I know as soon as it sorts itself out I'll be back to being my happy self. I just want to thank you all for your lovely comments through out the years and the lovely comments that I will get in advance, it means the world to me!. I may act tough but I'm really not haha!. Thank you all for your understanding, lots of love!! <3 xx
Dress- Fashion Union Top- Missguided Trousers- H&M Shoes- Ebay Hi everyone! At the minute I am loving patterned trousers and anything that crosses over on my back. I'm not gonna lie it is a pain trying to find a bra to go with things but its worth it for how it looks. I recently got this really cute dress from Fashion Union, I actually cant wear a bra with this one because the back is quite low but you could always put one of those on that sticks onto your boobs. With the Missguided top I have a strapless one on. I wouldn't usually go for smart trousers like this but I tried them on and fell in love with them!. What do you think to backless items?. Lots of love Liv xxxx
Jumpsuit- Little Mistress Shoes- Ebay I told you all it wouldn't be long untl my next jumpsuit post would be up! :p. Today's comes from Little Mistress. I have never owned anything from this website before but everything is so classy!. What I love about this one is the lace detail on the back (I realise I should of worn a different bra now haha). I think it's so classy and elegant and perfect for going out for dinner!. Also I had to mention my shoes. If you follow me on Instagram (@iclelivzi) You will know I was after the pink and white heels from River Island that are now completely sold out and they also told me they won't be restocking :(. I settled for these ones off Ebay which are the same but a different colour, I am in love with them and now want them in black too!. Lots of love Liv xxxx