Thursday, 16 June 2011


If you watched one of my recent youtube videos you will know that i got sent some jewellery homemade by hellbellsfashion, she told me that she was making anklets for £7 and i just had to get one because anklets are really in for this summer! She also sent me some amazing feather earings aswell in the colour bright pink, I think she knows me two well! Also if any item has pink on it she will giveaway £1 to cancer charity as she has suffered from cancer in the past but has beaten it. I was really happy with the things that she sent me so here are a few piccies.
 My beautiful anklet which can be made in different colours and different designs.
                   My BRIGHT pink feather earings with stars all down the middle!.
This is what they look like in but please do ignore my read ear haha!!.

this is her facebook page where you can order from also follow her on twitter @thorpey23 she is so helpful and always up for a chat!!.
Lots of love Liv 

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